Introduction to ‘C’ language
- Features of C
- History
- Structure of C Program
- Keyword, Identifiers & Constants
Data types
- Primitive Data Types
- Aggregated Data Types
- Binary Operators
- Unary Operators
- Ternary Operators
- Special Operators
- Order of Evaluation
- Simple if
- if..else
- Nested if
- if..else ladder
- Goto Statement
- Break and Continue Statement
- Switch..Case statement
- While
- For
- Do..While
- Nested loop Statements
- Introduction to arrays
- Need for Arrays
- Types of arrays
- One Dimensional Arrays
- Two Dimensional Arrays
- Multi Dimensional Arrays
String manipulation
- Declaring String
- Initializing String
- String Functions
- String Formatted Specifiers
- Multiple Strings
- Interdiction to Functions
- Need for Functions
- Classification of Functions
- Function Prototype
- Defining Function
- Calling Function
- Function with Arrays
- Function with Strings
- Recursive Functions
Storage class specifiers
- Automatic
- Extern
- Static
- Register
Structures, unions, enum
- Introduction to structures
- Declaring a Structure
- Introduction to Structures
- Structures with Arrays
- Structures with Function
- Nested Structures
- Introduction to Union
- Declaring Union
- Difference between Structures and Unions
- Enumerations
- Typedef
- Introduction to Memory
- Introduction to Pointers
- Operations on Pointers
- Pointer to Pointer
- Pointer to Array
- Array to Pointers
- Void pointers
- Call by Value and Call by Reference
- Passing Pointers to Functions
- Functions returning Pointers
- Pointer to Functions
- Dynamic Functions Call with Function Pointer
- Pointers with Structures
Dynamic memory allocation
- Allocation (Malloc, Calloc & Realloc)
- De – Allocation (Free)
- Introduction
- File Input, Output Operations
- Sequential Files
- Random Access Files
- Command Line Arguments
- Handling Errors
- Database vs File System
- Introduction to Graphics
- Initializing Graphics
- Graphic Drivers & Modes
- Graphic Functions
Data Structures (DS)
- Introduction
- Stacks using Arrays
- Stacks using Linked List
- Queues using Arrays
- Queues using linked List
- Circular Queues
- De – Queues
- Singly Linked List
- Circular Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Infix, Prefix and Postfix
- Expressions
- Trees
- Binary Trees
- Directed Graphs, Undirected Graphs
- Searching Methods – BFS, DFS
- Searching Techniques – Linear, Binary
- Sorting Techniques – Bubble, Insertion,
- Selection, Quick, Heap and Merge